Sketches and other fun stuff

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I was talking with a friend a couple weeks ago about how silly it is when someone asks the question "what makes you happy".  The word "Happy" just seems like a temporary word or a feeling that is fleeting and not  something that sticks around, but rather a word that describes the "high" rather than the norm. Through the discussion with my friend we came to the decision that the better word to use is what makes you "content".

This is the question that I have been mulling over for the past couple weeks. Its not usual for me to stay on one topic for so long but I really have enjoyed thinking through what makes me feel really truly content in life. Trying to weed through the things that I think are a necessity and really boil it down to the bare minimum.

 Looking through things that I think are a necessity to a "happy" and quality life have made me realize that I've been wrong about a lot of it. Sitting here on the couch after a day of work and afternoon at the climbing gym, with good food in my belly, a warm blanket wrapped around my legs, my dog Molly's head laying in my lap and warm cup of sleepytime tea next to me makes me feel pretty darn happy - but what of those things do I need to make me feel content with my life? Do I need to climb? Work a good job? Live with good people? Have internet at my house? There are so many things that I am guilty of making a necessity in life to be content when in reality there isn't too much that you should need to have to be content in life.

One thing that makes me feel  content is being surrounded by my loving family. This past week they all traveled to Berwick PA to have Thanksgiving in my Grandparents house that I am staying in like we used to do many years ago. It was so great to have the house that feels so empty and quiet all the time since I moved here in sept to be so full and loud and chaotic. The house seemed almost like and entirely different house altogether with all the craziness going on.

thanksgiving meal - all the girls:)

going for the traditional walk around the property and to the near by lake

packed with  so many family members and a total of 5 dogs even!!!

will put up more photos when i get them, just pulled some of the ones that have been put up on fb already

I loved every minute of it and tried to soak up all the family time I could while I had the chance, but it was definitely a tiring weekend and I am looking forward to this weekend when I'll have the chance to clean and get things back into order around the house and also catch up on some rest and chilliaxing time at the beautiful property I am blessed to be living at in Berwick PA.

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